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Libya: Assessing Berber Prospects

One reason the term “Arab Spring” is a misnomer is because of the participation of non-Arabs, including Kurds in Iraq and Syria as well as Berbers in Morocco and Libya… Continue reading

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Cyber attack on Iran’s oil industry

The information systems of Iran’s Petroleum Ministry and the National Petroleum Company have been under a cyber attack… Continue reading

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Experts Agree: Anti-American Repressive Radicals Taking Power in the Middle East Makes the World A Better Place

Michael Hirsh has responded to my critique of his article. Amazingly, yet typical of our era, he didn’t engage with a single—not a single—idea I presented… Continue reading

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Iranian Diplomat’s Involvement in Sexual Abuse in Brazil Causes Media Storm

The involvement of an Iranian diplomat in sexual abuse in Brazil has Iran’s media in a frenzy… Continue reading

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Explaining Turkey’s Nuclear Policies

Despite its challenging neighborhood, Turkey has an exemplary nuclear nonproliferation record… Continue reading

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An Islamist Nazi Collaborator is Transformed into a Moderate

Suppose you read in the Washington Post about a democratic politician who was a refugee from persecution by a dictatorship. Would you be surprised to learn that he was in fact a vicious antisemite… Continue reading

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The Media Discovers What Obama’s Been Doing All Along: Al-Qaida Bad, Islamists Good

Since then, America’s enemies have made great progress; the Obama Administration almost none at all… Continue reading

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The Jihadist Roots of the Norway Massacre

Anders Breivik, who went on a shooting spree in Norway last year, killing some 70 people, recently confessed his inspiration: al-Qaeda, the jihadists par excellence of the modern world… Continue reading

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Seated Among the Heroes and Watching the Faces of the Martyrs

In all of this and throughout the nation on this day, there was not a word of hatred, of reviling any enemy… Continue reading

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Sinai Bedouin, Palestinian and al Qaeda gangs are plotting Terrorist Attacks to blow up the Egyptian-Israel Peace Accords

Their plans entail sending terrorists across the Egyptian Sinai border for attacks on Israelis to generate Israeli military incursions into Egyptian territory in hot pursuit of the perpetrators… Continue reading

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Whoever is President There: France Fries While Its Leaders Avert Eyes

Alongside the battle of the radical Islamists to murder Jews is the battle to seize and maintain control of the Muslim community… Continue reading

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Egypt’s Elections: Titanic of Western Interests, Meet Iceberg of Islamist Revolutionary Zeal

Egypt will hold its presidential election May 23-24 with a possible run-off on June 16-17. It is impossible at this point to predict what’s going to happen but I can make a good guess… Continue reading

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The General who Staged the 1980 Coup is Put on Trial, But His Legacy Reigns Supreme

The trial of the two surviving members of the junta that seized power on September 12, 1980, in a coup that altered Turkey’s course, is an historic event, but… Continue reading

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The elephant of Jew hatred

Hatred of Jews is the central animating feature of the political and strategic reality of the Middle East… Continue reading

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How the Media Whitewashes Muslim Persecution of Christians

When it comes to Muslim persecution of Christians, the mainstream media (MSM) has a long paper trail of obfuscating. Of course, the media’s obfuscation serves a purpose… Continue reading

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Who Gets to be the Caliph?

Who gets to be the caliph? After all, if you want to have a caliphate , as revolutionary Islamists do with much popular support among Muslims… Continue reading

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The Piety Premium of Islamic Bonds

Traditionally, the Islamic states have had to reach out to Western capital markets to obtain funding for major projects. Islam’s prohibition on the collection of interest made it difficult to… Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton Implies: Pro-Israel Sentiment Doesn’t Reflect America

Sometimes a secretary of state is asked tough questions. How they are answered shows the underlying philosophy of official and government… Continue reading

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Obama’s “Secret” Plan on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Issue and Why It Will Fail

The problem with the Obama administration is that it wants to pursue policies that may be acceptable to the day-dreaming cultural elite, but not to… Continue reading

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Can Afghanistan Be Rescued?

U.S. president Barack Obama entered office with a bold plan to combat Afghanistan’s escalating insurgency… Continue reading

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Romney’s Road: Blast Obama’s Failures and Policy; Expose the Lies; Seize the Mainstream

What are the weaknesses of Obamaism that my “Marxist-style” analysis highlighted and how do they suggest the way in which the presidential and congressional electoral campaigns should be conducted… Continue reading

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What’s The Proper U.S. Middle East Policy? It’s Simple Though Not Easy

Since there is so much bad policy on the Middle East to critique and since there’s no hope of the Obama Administration listening to alternative strategies… Continue reading

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Islamic ‘Adult Breastfeeding’ Fatwas Return

Female workers should “breastfeed” their male co-workers in order to work in each other’s company… Continue reading

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Solomon’s Wisdom on Revolutionary Islamism and Terrorism

Hussein Solomon is a South African professor who is the leading expert on revolutionary Islamist terrorism in his own country and Africa generally… Continue reading

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The Three Myths that Distort Every Discussion of Israel and the Middle East

Whatever side you are, or aren’t, on and whether you never think about these issues or are an impassioned activist… Continue reading