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Index of Topics

Looking for something specific? You can scroll down the page to see all 121 files or you can view files in a specific topic (just click one of the following topics. You can also search the downloads by entering a specific keyword in the search bar below.

The Region Politics Religion History Miscellaneous Dutch
Egypt (6 files) Palestinian Arabs (12 files) Islam / Islamism (11 files) Historical Documents (7 files) Anti-Semitism (6 files) Nederlands (Dutch) (8 files)
Iran (3 files) United Nations (8 files) Leftist-Islamic Alliance (6 files) Holocaust (2 files) International Law (4 files)
Israel / Jewish Life (21 files) US “Middle East” Policy (5 files) Maps (5 files)
Lebanon (1 file) Miscellaneous (5 files)
Middle East (2 files) Terrorism (6 files)
Saudi Arabia (1 file)
Syria (1 file)
Turkey (1 file)


The number of times 2 files, weighing 459.1 KB in Middle East have been downloaded.

Displaying 1 to 2 of 2 files.


Middle East

  Compendium of Vector Graphics of the Middle East
» 199.2 KB - 1,675 hits - 5 April 2010
Compendium of all vector graphics of the Symbolic Truth Middle East Graphics Site (the site is down unfortunately, but I managed to save this copy years ago). This compendium includes the following topics: Historical graphics about Israel and the Israeli-Arab situation; The symbolism of Arab flags; Emblems of the general Islamo-supremacist and Wahhabi threat; Graphics expressing the specific threats to America’s freedoms; Graphics exposing the raw naked immorality of the tactics which many self-declared enemies of Israel use in their “struggle”; and Miscellaneous graphics not directly about middle-eastern politics.

  The Abdication of America - The Middle East after America
» 260.0 KB - 840 hits - 14 January 2011
The Middle East – like other regions in the world – has gone through eras of projection of influence by external powers, adapting to the balance of power between them. This was the case during the age of colonialism, the Cold War and the period since the end of the Cold War, during which the US became the sole superpower in the region. The passage from one era to another, however, is never clearly demarcated and the process of adaptation does not begin only when a new era has been “declared”. Today, the Middle East and other regions of the world are in the throes of a re-alignment which is primarily a response to American policies and actions and reflects the expectation of a power void which will be left with the end of the “Age of America”. The re-alignment of the Middle East will have a profound influence on other theatres and on the domestic and economic interests of the United States and the rest of the West. [By Dr. Shmuel Bar (Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, Herzliya), Friends of Israel Initiative, paper 2, sept 14, 2010]


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Quotes and Sayings

About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    When I examined the Koran, the hadith, and the Islamic books under a microscope, I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible–impossible–for any human being to read the biography of Muhammad and believe in it, and yet emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person…The language of Islam is a negative, dead language, replete with violence, anger, hatred, and racism.

    — Wafa Sultan, Excerpt from an interview on Al-Hayat TV on May 29, 2008

Weather Forecast

Middle East region weather forecast...