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The number of times 12 files, weighing 8.7 MB in Palestinian Arabs have been downloaded.

Displaying 1 to 12 of 12 files.


Palestinian Arabs

  From Terrorists to Role Models: The PA's Institutionalization of Incitement
» 612.5 KB - 2,583 hits - 14 May 2010
The Palestinian Authority has named numerous locations and events after Palestinian terrorists responsible for killing Israeli civilians. The PA’s policy of naming schools, summer camps, sporting events, streets and ceremonies after terrorists fundamentally undermines the chance for peace. In this special report, Palestinian Media Watch investigates the breadth of this phenomenon and to what extent it continues in 2010. Furthermore, PMW will assess whether this represents activities of a fringe group within society, or represents Palestinian Authority policy. By Itamar Marcus, Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Barbara Crook and PMW staff. [www.palwatch.org]

  Palestine National Charter 1964
» 25.4 KB - 1,905 hits - 15 February 2010
The first convenant of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), founded in 1964 and led by Ahmed Shukhairy. This document reflects the Pan-Arab goals of the Palestinian Arabs in 1964 (to create an Arab Homeland in Palestine with the borders at the time of the British Mandate).

  Hamas: Its Nazi Ideology and Record
» 442.2 KB - 1,876 hits - 6 June 2010
Hamas, an Arabic acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement, was elected to a position of leadership in the Palestinian Authority in January 2006. On June 14, 2007, Hamas defeated Fatah in Gaza and took complete control of the territory, from which Israel unilaterally withdrew in August 2005. Hamas established an Islamist theocracy in Gaza. To better understand current situation, it is important to have a fuller understanding of Hamas’ background, ideology and track record. [a JCRC publication; by Yitzhak Santis]

  Fatah Charter - August 2009
» 110.2 KB - 1,828 hits - 5 February 2010
The new Fatah Charter as approved august 2009 at the Fatah General Congress by the Palestinian Central Committee. It still calls for a revolution, confrontation with the enemy (Israel), and the liberation of Palestine, 'free and Arab.'

  The Jerusalem Statement of 2007
» 183.3 KB - 1,753 hits - 4 April 2010
The Jerusalem Statement (nov. 2007) is an anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish Statement and can not be seen separately from its Islamic "Arab" background. This paper highlights the 'Palestinian Islamic, theological and political view' and the universal, Islamic and Christian culture and history of Jerusalem. Israel is portrayed as an occupying power in the country and the city, where Jerusalem is seen as a city that belongs to the Palestinians only. This Statement is a Palestinian attempt to distort history in order to deprive Jews of their rights in their homeland and Jerusalem, where Jewish rights not even are mentioned in the statement. Therefore, this Statement stresses at the same time the 'Palestinian' ideological and 'Islamic' commitment to destroy a Jewish homeland.

  PLO Charter 1968
» 22.6 KB - 1,678 hits - 15 February 2010
The revised and extended Charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1968. After the defeat of the Arab war effort in the 6 day war 1967, Yasser Arafat and the Fatah took over the PLO. This document was accepted in 1968 in Caïro by the PLO and reflects the emerging Palestinian Nationalism.

  Hamas Charter 1988 (ITIC publication)
» 2.3 MB - 1,326 hits - 4 February 2010
The Hamas charter - Overtly anti-Semitic and anti-West, radical Islamic in outlook, it stresses Hamas’ ideological commitment to destroy the State of Israel through terrorism and long-term Jihad. Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and the de facto administration of the Gaza Strip. (A publication of the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center).

  Hamas Political Violence in Gaza
» 1.1 MB - 1,037 hits - 1 July 2010
During Israel's "Operation Cast Lead," from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, Hamas security forces or gunmen believed to be associated with Hamas extra-judicially executed at least 18 people in Gaza, mainly those accused of collaborating with Israel. Gunmen also beat and maimed by shooting dozens of Hamas's political opponents, especially members and alleged supporters of its chief rival, Fatah. The internal violence in Gaza slowed but did not stop after Israel withdrew its troops. Between January 18 and March 31, Hamas security forces reportedly killed another 14 people, at least four of them in detention. Some apparently died from torture. With the exception of one case, this violence has gone unpunished. The Hamas authorities in Gaza should promptly and impartially investigate all credible allegations of arbitrary arrests, torture, unlawful killings and other serious abuses that took place during and after the recent Israeli offensive. The authorities should prosecute the perpetrators of these abuses, including members of the Hamas security forces. [Report by Human Rights Watch; april, 2009; www.hrw.org]

  Hamas Political Document - A Document of General Principles and Policies (English version)
» 831.9 KB - 666 hits - 13 July 2017
On May 1, 2017, Hamas published a political document entitled “A Document of General Principles and Policies”. This document, which includes 42 sections, was published on the Hamas website in two versions: an Arabic version and a version translated into English. An analysis of the Political Document clearly shows that there has been no change in Hamas’s basic ideology and principles as expressed in the Hamas Charter, which are based on an uncompromising effort to destroy Israel through violence and terrorism, even if this is carried out in stages (presenting conditional willingness to establish a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders). The adjustments, changes and additions that appear in the Political Document are intended to present the appearance of Hamas’s renewal and adaptation to the current reality, but without any significant change in the principles and basic perception that constitute the core of the Document (ITIC, May 8, 2017).

  Hamas Political Document - A Document of General Principles and Policies (Arabic version)
» 888.9 KB - 563 hits - 13 July 2017
On May 1, 2017, Hamas published a political document entitled “A Document of General Principles and Policies”. This document, which includes 42 sections, was published on the Hamas website in two versions: an Arabic version and a version translated into English. An analysis of the Political Document clearly shows that there has been no change in Hamas’s basic ideology and principles as expressed in the Hamas Charter, which are based on an uncompromising effort to destroy Israel through violence and terrorism, even if this is carried out in stages (presenting conditional willingness to establish a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders). The adjustments, changes and additions that appear in the Political Document are intended to present the appearance of Hamas’s renewal and adaptation to the current reality, but without any significant change in the principles and basic perception that constitute the core of the Document (ITIC, May 8, 2017).

  Hamas Charter 1988 (English version)
» 150.6 KB - 149 hits - 15 July 2017
The Hamas Charter, formally known in English as the Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement, was originally issued on 18 August 1988 and outlines the founding identity, stand, and aims of Hamas. The Charter identified Hamas as the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine and declares its members to be Muslims who "fear God and raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors (i.e. Jews)." The charter states that "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel. It emphasizes the importance of jihad, stating in article 13, "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors." The charter also states that Hamas is humanistic, and tolerant of other religions as long as they "stop disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region". The Charter adds that "renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion" of Islam.

  Hamas Charter 1988 (Arabic version)
» 2.1 MB - 126 hits - 15 July 2017
2004 print edition, Qalqilya.


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Quotes and Sayings

About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    The anti-Semites will become our most loyal friends; the anti-Semitic nations will become our allies.

    — Theodor Herzl, The Diaries of Theodore Herzl, edited and translated by Marvin Lowenthal (Dial Press, New York, 1956)

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