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The number of times 6 files, weighing 2.4 MB in Egypt have been downloaded.

Displaying 1 to 6 of 6 files.



  The Muslim Brotherhood
» 869.4 KB - 6,918 hits - 10 July 2011
Study about the Muslim Brotherhood. An Islamic mass movement whose worldview is based on the belief that “Islam is the solution” and on the stated aim of establishing a world order (a caliphate) based on Islamic religious law (Shariah) on the ruins of Western liberalism. With extensive support networks in Arab countries and, to a lesser extent, in the West, the movement views the recent events in Egypt as a historic opportunity. It strives to take advantage of the democratic process for gradual, non-violent progress towards the establishment of political dominance and the eventual assumption of power in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries. (Publication by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, June 19, 2011).

  Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood: Jihad Against Jews, Judaism, and Israel
» 142.3 KB - 1,877 hits - 24 February 2011
From the SWC web site: Against the backdrop of the historic changes in Egypt, the Simon Wiesenthal Center is releasing a riveting expose on Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood. “'Hitler Put Them in Their Place': Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood’s Jihad Against Jews, Judaism, and Israel", is authored by Dr. Harold Brackman, the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Senior Historic Consultant. This impactful report presents an "unsanitized history of the Muslim Brotherhood," and traces the evolution of its beliefs, goals and tactics. It presents an unflinching look at the Brotherhood's genocidal Jew-hatred and sheds light on The Brotherhood's global reach and its emerging impact on Egypt in the balance. (A report by the Simon Wiesenthal Center; Feb 22, 2011;

  English Text of the 2012 Constitution of Egypt
» 420.5 KB - 1,622 hits - 2 December 2012
Final draft approved by the "Islamist-dominated" Constituent Assembly of Egypt, November 29th 2012. Signed into law by President Muhammad Mursi, December 26th 2012, after a two-part constitutional referendum for ratification was held on December 15th and December 22nd 2012. The Constitution was approved by 63.8% of Egyptians on a turnout of 32.9% of Egypt’s 52 million eligible voters. Translation as provided by the Egypt Independent. This is not an official judicial translation. It is for information purpose only. The legally applicable constitution is the Arabic version, now suspended since July 3, 2013. (This PDF is made available by

  English Text of the 2014 Constitution of Egypt
» 428.1 KB - 1,391 hits - 2 July 2014
The amended 2014 Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt, adopted on January 14-15, 2014 by public referendum. After the outbreak of the June 30 Revolution in 2013 and following the suspension of the "Islamist" 2012 Constitution, a 50-strong committee, led by Amr Moussa, amended the controversial articles of the 2012 Constitution and submitted a final draft of the amended Constitution to interim President Adly Mansour on December 3, 2013. Translation as provided by the Egyptian State Information Service. This is not an official judicial translation. It is for information purposes only. The official Constitution is the Arabic version. (This PDF is made available by

  English Text of the 1971 Constitution of Egypt
» 272.0 KB - 1,044 hits - 2 December 2012
The 1971 Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt including the amendments of May 22nd 1980, May 25th 2005, and March 26th 2007. Adopted on September 11th, 1971 (by public referendum). Suspended on February 13th, 2011 as a result of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. Officially voided on March 30, 2011 after a new provisional constitution passed by the ruling military council. Translation as provided by the Egyptian State Information Service. This is not an official judicial translation. It is for information purpose only. The official constitution is the Arabic version, now void since March 30, 2011. (This PDF is made available by

  English Text of the Constitutional Declaration for Transitional Period
» 242.5 KB - 805 hits - 31 October 2013
The Constitutional Declaration for Transitional Period of the Arab Republic of Egypt, July 6 and July 8 2013, issued by the Interim President of the Republic. Translation as provided by the Egyptian State Information Service. This is not an official judicial translation. It is for information purpose only. The official Constitutional Declaration is the Arabic version. (This PDF is made available by


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Quotes and Sayings

About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    Please tell your people to be patient. I am committed to make peace with Israel, and I shall do it. But I need time – nine months, maximum one year. I need to mend my fences with the Arab countries, especially with Saudi Arabia, so that Lebanon can once again play its central role in the economy of the Middle East.

    — Bachir Gemayel, President of Lebanon, During a conversation with David Kimche, the director general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry; Sept 1982. Bachir was assassinated on Sept 14, 1982

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