Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 08:44 am CEST


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Index of Topics

Looking for something specific? You can scroll down the page to see all 121 files or you can view files in a specific topic (just click one of the following topics. You can also search the downloads by entering a specific keyword in the search bar below.

The Region Politics Religion History Miscellaneous Dutch
Egypt (6 files) Palestinian Arabs (12 files) Islam / Islamism (11 files) Historical Documents (7 files) Anti-Semitism (6 files) Nederlands (Dutch) (8 files)
Iran (3 files) United Nations (8 files) Leftist-Islamic Alliance (6 files) Holocaust (2 files) International Law (4 files)
Israel / Jewish Life (21 files) US “Middle East” Policy (5 files) Maps (5 files)
Lebanon (1 file) Miscellaneous (5 files)
Middle East (2 files) Terrorism (6 files)
Saudi Arabia (1 file)
Syria (1 file)
Turkey (1 file)


The number of times 1 files, weighing 75.6 KB in Syria have been downloaded.

Displaying 1 to 1 of 1 files.



  The Damascus Declaration for Democratic National Change
» 75.6 KB - 1,044 hits - 31 March 2012
The Damascus Declaration was a statement of unity by Syrian opposition figures issued October 16, 2005 criticizing the Syrian “authorities’ monopoly of everything for more than 30 years” and “establishing an authoritarian, totalitarian, and cliquish regime.” The Declaration called for “mobilizing all the energies of Syria, the homeland and the people, in a rescue task of … changing Syrian policies at home and abroad” to reform the country “peaceful, [and] gradual, founded on accord, and based on dialogue and recognition of the other.”


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Quotes and Sayings

About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    The trouble with Islam is deeply rooted in its teachings. Islam is not only a religion. Islam (is) also a political ideology that preaches violence and applies its agenda by force.

    — Wafa Sultan, cited in N. C. Munson, Noel Carroll. If You Can Keep It, Allen-Ayers Books, 2010, p. 215

Weather Forecast

Middle East region weather forecast...