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More Footage of Jihadists aboard the Gaza Flotilla

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Thu, june 03, 2010 | Youtube | IDFSpokesperson

Gaza Flotilla Passenger: “I Want to Be a Shahid (Martyr)”

In footage captured on the Gaza flotilla, a passenger describes how he has attempted in previous convoys to become a martyr and that “with god’s luck” he will succeed on this flotilla. While the Gaza flotilla passengers had presented themselves as peace activists who would not act violently towards Israeli forces, this provides further evidence to the contrary.

In the early hours of the 31st of May 2010, IDF soldiers boarded the ships of the “Free Gaza” Flotilla, after the ships refused to redirect their course. Aboard the Mavi Marmara the soldiers encountered serious violence when, in a preplanned attack, the activists on board lynched the soldiers with knives, metal rods and stole two of their guns. As a result 7 soldiers were injured and 9 activists were killed.



“When I went on the first convoy, I wanted to be a Shahid [martyr]… I wasn’t that lucky.”

“Second time, I wanted to be a Shahid [martyr]… didn’t work.”

“Third time lucky, with the help of God, I will be a Shahid [martyr].”