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Germany: The New Kristallnacht

The German’s are as anti-Semitic as they were during WWII. Here is the sobering report… Continue reading

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Hamas: Its Nazi Ideology and Record

The father of Palestinian nationalism, Amin el Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was the Brotherhood’s official representative in British Mandatory Palestine. He was a close collaborator with Nazi Germany at the highest levels, including Adolf Hitler… Continue reading

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Gaza Flotilla’s Leader Yildirim Explains That It Was a Jihadist Attack

Thus, more than any other individual, Yildirim represents the thinking behind the operation, its direction, and the creation of a militarized group on board that started the violence in order to achieve the intended result… Continue reading

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Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy: “Go Back to Auschwitz”

In response to a radio transmission by the Israeli Navy warning the Gaza flotilla that they are approaching a naval blockade, passengers of the Mavi Marmara respond, “Shut up, go back to Auschwitz… Continue reading

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Oriana Fallaci – “Ik Vind Het Schandalig”

Ik vind het schandalig, dat er in Italië een optocht gehouden wordt door individuen gekleed als zelfmoordenaars, die laaghartige scheldwoorden uitkotsen richting Israel, tegelijk foto’s van Israelische leiders omhoog houden op wiens voorhoofden hakenkruizen staan getekend, en de mensen aanzetten tot haat tegen de Joden… Continue reading