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Why They Love Usama, Hate Obama, and How Obama Uses the Same Tactic at Home

Why are tens of thousands of Middle Eastern Muslims chanting about how much they love Usama bin Ladin and how much they hate Barack (Hussein) Obama… Continue reading

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Barack Hearts Bibi

We have entered into a new period of U.S. policy toward Israel for the Obama Administration. Basically, President Barack Obama needs Israel, requires its cooperation, and is eager to get along with… Continue reading

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Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan More Determined Than Ever to Provoke a Showdown With Israel

If Israelis in high official places were still slow to get the message of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s implacable anti-Israel campaign, they only had to listen… Continue reading

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Obama Understands Neither Hamas Nor Israel, Neither the Middle East Nor Islamism

Aside from all this, Obama displays no strategic sense. He should make clear that the United States does not want an Iranian client, a revolutionary jihadists Taliban-like regime on the Mediterranean Sea. It should be the goal of U.S. policy to avoid… Continue reading

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U.S. Generals Write Obama On Israel

In response to the recent ridiculous treatment Israel has gotten from the Obama administration, a group of about 50 retired United States generals and admirals put together the following letter urging him as well as Congress and the… Continue reading

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The Obama Administration’s Middle East Disaster

Here are nine huge problems going on right now that are not being addressed by the U.S. government and are barely comprehended by the U.S. debate and large portions of the mass media… Continue reading

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“Pakistan Knows Where Osama Bin Laden Is”

Every week or so, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reminds us that the wrong Democrat was elected president in 2008. In these cases, she gets… Continue reading

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Obama’s True Beliefs

“Barack Hussein Obama is merely doing what he thinks is necessary… and he will continue doing it as long as it keeps him in power…” Continue reading

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Obama Goes Against Predecessors

Obama is going against the will of his predecessors who approved of a national home for the Jewish Peole in all of Palestine. Congress did as well… Continue reading

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An Interview with Vijay Kumar

This interview is a must read. While this interview focuses more on the political situation in the United States, it also gives a realistic picture of Islam. Kumar Vijay calls it the literal Islam. Some time ago, I indicated… Continue reading

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De As van de Jihad

Belangrijke mannen worden geboren in tijden van wanhoop, wanneer de wereld gevuld is met onwetendheid en het kwaad regeert. Dit is inderdaad een tijd van wanhoop voor de mensheid. De Islam is in opkomst, Islamitisch terrorisme verwoest ontelbare levens in de hele wereld en het bedreigt onze vrijheid… Continue reading

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Obama hails Erdogan as “friend”, despite Turkey’s shifting away from Israel and the West

In a report U.S. President Obama characterized Turkey as “a great country” and Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan “as a personal friend”. Obama said also that he was optimistic about the prospect of “stronger and stronger” bilateral ties in the future. According to Obama Turkey could be “an important player” in efforts to prod Iran to keep its nuclear program peaceful. But in saying this, questions arise about Obama’s… Continue reading