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Hadrian’s Curse – The Invention Of Palestine

Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called “Palestine” after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more… Continue reading

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The Balfour Declaration of 1917

The Balfour Declaration was a statement of support made by the British Government [the War Cabinet] for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael. It was… Continue reading

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Continuing Herzl’s Dream

His dream, a Jewish state, would against all the odds be recreated in its ancient land, as he prophetically stated, less than five decades later… Continue reading

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Sovereignty Now!

At the Herzliya Conference on February 2, Salam Fayyad called for a Palestinian state connecting Judea, Samaria and Gaza that has East Jerusalem as its capital, ending the “occupation of areas that were Palestinian territory before 1967″… Continue reading