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A Moral Evaluation of the Gaza War

Prof. Asa Kasher analyzes the moral issues in the Gaza War… Continue reading

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The World’s Double Standard against Israel

Yesterday, I read an interesting article from Barry Rubin about the double standard the world is showing against Israel. It reminded me of a discussion I had with a dutch (socialist) parliamentarian, Martijn van Dam, a while ago… Continue reading

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What really happened at the al-Maqdamah mosque In Gaza?

On November 5, 2009 there was a confrontation at Brandeis University in Massachusetts between the president of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Dr. Dore Gold, and Judge Richard Goldstone. It dealt, among other things, with the affair of the al-Maqdamah mosque in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, about which two contradictory versions exist… Continue reading