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Iran Nuclear Talks: What were the six points Obama sent Khamenei through Erdogan?

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan visited Tehran and personally handed Obama’s six-point message to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Tehran has ‘Technical Ability’ to Make Highly Enriched Uranium

US officials believe Iran now has the “technical ability” to make highly enriched uranium, an essential step towards building a nuclear bomb, according… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: VS Zet Nederlandse Regering en Bedrijfsleven onder Grote Druk om Geen Zaken te Doen met Iran

Uit de Amerikaanse diplomatieke ambtsberichten die de NOS via Wikeleaks heeft gekregen blijkt dat de Amerikanen de Nederlandse regering regelmatig onder druk zetten om… Lees verder

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WikiLeaks: VS Zet Nederlandse Banken onder Grote Druk om Geen Zaken te Doen met Iran

De VS zet Nederland en het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven onder grote druk om geen zaken te doen met Iran. Zo dringen de Amerikanen aan op maatregelen tegen Credit Europe bank… Lees verder

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Turkish National Security Policy in 2010 and Beyond

Turkish foreign policy was more visible in 2010 than ever before. If one is optimistic, one can hazard that we will see a “regression toward the mean” in Turkey’s relations with the West. If 2010 was generally a bad year for that relationship, the situation… Continue reading