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Western Leftists Back Islamists; Arab Counterparts Are Their Victims

The Western left were for decades apologists for repression carried out by the USSR, Soviet bloc, and other communist dictatorships, and now they are apologists for Islamist repression carried out against Arab leftists… Continue reading

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Syria: Why Are Western Governments Protecting Their Worst Enemy…While Trashing Their Friends

Here’s an unavoidable question: Why is it that when a relatively moderate Middle East state is threatened by demonstrations… Continue reading

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Syria: Crackdown Begins; West Does Nothing

As I predicted yesterday, the Syrian government has now started a full-scale violent crackdown against oppositionists… Continue reading

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Syria: Who Is the Opposition and When Is The Moment of Truth?

There’s a bit of a mystery regarding Syria. First, who is the opposition? Second, what will happen… Continue reading

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Arab Political Upheavals: Obsession with Israel Blinded Westerners to the Real Middle East

As we consider the lessons of the dramatic upheavals in Arabic-speaking countries one of the main ones is this: the overriding obsession with… Continue reading

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Iran: Growing Criticism as Opposition Leaders Remain Under Arrest

In recent days, there has been growing criticism from the reformist camp over the continuing arrest of reformist opposition leaders… Continue reading

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Iran: Regime Escalates Repression – Where’s the International Reaction?

It is now confirmed that the Iranian government has kidnapped the two leading opposition leaders. This is the most serious single act of repression… Continue reading