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Two PFLP Terrorists Arrested in Fogel Family Massacre

Two Palestinian terrorists from Awarta affiliated with PFLP were arrested in recent days for… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Talks to Israeli Security Chief about Israel’s Arabs, Gaza and Suleiman’s Visit

In a May 13 meeting covering a range of subjects, Israeli Security Agency (ISA, or Shin Bet) Chief Yuval Diskin told Ambassador Jones the following… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Gaza with Israeli Security Chief

During an October 3 meeting with ISA (Shin Bet) Director Yuval Diskin, The Ambassador stressed the need to find a way to keep… Continue reading

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Palestijnse Ingenieur Aangeklaagd voor het Upgraden van Hamas Raketten

Dirar Abu Asisi, een Palestijnse ingenieur uit de Gazastrook, is vandaag op basis van 15 terreur-gerelateerde beschuldigingen aangeklaagd voor… Lees verder

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WikiLeaks: US Orders to Spy on Israel and Palestinians

The WikiLeaks website last week leaked a secret State Department cable from October 31, 2008, directing United States officials to spy on Israel. The cable, dated only days… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Envoy Discusses Security with Israel

In all of his meetings, General Jones described his mandate as developing a security plan to address the needs that will arise from the establishment of a Palestinian state, factoring in the… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel Discusses Gaza and West Bank with U.S.

Diskin told the USSC that he continued to support the strengthening of President Abbas and the Presidential Guard, but noted that it was more important… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel Expresses Concern over Fatah

During a November 18 meeting with NEA DAS Robert Danin, Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) Director Yuval Diskin said that a successfully managed passage at Rafah would… Continue reading

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Mossad: ‘Hezbollah Can Fire 400-600 Rockets a Day in Next War’

Hezbollah would likely shoot between 400 and 600 missiles a day into Israel during a future war, a senior Mossad official told a congressional delegation to Israel in 2009, according to a US diplomatic cable published on Sunday… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Fatah Wilde Aanval Van Israel Op Hamas

Tijdens de zomer van 2007 waren Fatah en Hamas verwikkeld in hevige straatgevechten in Gazastad. De uitkomst van deze strijd zou bepalen wie de absolute macht zou krijgen in de Gazastrook. Fatah, de partij die loyaal is aan president van de… Lees verder

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WikiLeaks: ‘Vaticaan Denkt Aan Eigen Belang In Midden Oosten’

Een Amerikaanse diplomaat beklaagt zich in een memo van 3 juli 2001 erover dat het Vaticaan weinig behulpzaam is in het Vredesproces en Midden Oosten diplomatie, omdat de Heilige Stoel [het bestuurlijke orgaan] vrijwel uitsluitend aan haar eigen… Lees verder

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Israeli Arabs Involved in Violent Terrorist Attacks

Seven Israeli Arabs allegedly affiliated with al-Qaida and global jihad terrorist elements were indicted on Monday for allegedly murdering a Jewish taxi driver last year and carrying out a string of attacks against… Continue reading

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De Mythe van de “Gematigde” Islam

Gedurende een toespraak van David Horowitz tijdens de “Israel Apartheid Week” aan de Universiteit van Californië, San Diego, probeert een moslima door middel van het stellen van een vraag het betoogde verband tussen islamitische terroristische groeperingen… Continue reading

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The Palestinian Authority Continues to Use Terrorists as Role Models

The Palestinian Authority continues to use terrorists as Role Models. On April 20, a street in Ramallah was named after Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), the former leader of the Fatah military wing and responsible for several terrorist attacks… Continue reading

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We are all Tzipi Livni

The latest episode in which, to paraphrase Karl von Clausewitz, law is used as the continuation of war by other means, involved the threat to arrest former foreign minister Tzipi Livni on the nonsensical charge that she committed war crimes during Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading