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British White Paper of June 1922

The British White Paper 1922 was the first official interpretation of the 1917 Balfour Declaration by the British Government after investigation of… Continue reading

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Israeli Sovereignty Over Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria

It is widely accepted, but not correct, that the West Bank belongs to the local Arabs in Palestine who call themselves Palestinians. Israel’s position has not recently been fully stated. At most, it is said that… Continue reading

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Hadrian’s Curse – The Invention Of Palestine

Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called “Palestine” after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more… Continue reading

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Obama Goes Against Predecessors

Obama is going against the will of his predecessors who approved of a national home for the Jewish Peole in all of Palestine. Congress did as well… Continue reading

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The Middle East Matrix

What if everything you think you know to be true is a lie, and everything you see is just an illusion? Sounds like a promo for The Matrix, but this is the reality of life in the Middle East… Continue reading

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The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel

The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books… Continue reading