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Iranian Young Adults Arrested At Mixed-Gender Party in Tehran

Tehran Province internal security forces said that in recent days, the Tehran police had raided four mixed-gender parties in northern Tehran. Fifty young men and women were arrested at one of the parties, including three famous soccer players… Continue reading

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Israel, Islamism and the War Within Islam

I would stress that “Islam” as a religion functioning in the world is not at war with anyone as such. There are those who want to steer Islam toward an active war against how the majority of Muslims live at present and almost all the governments… Continue reading

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The Scary European Model

There has been speculation about where Turkey is heading ever since the Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2002… Continue reading

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The Israeli Humanitarian Lifeline to Gaza

Despite attacks by Hamas, Israel maintains an ongoing humanitarian corridor for the transfer of food and humanitarian supplies to Gaza, used by internationally recognized organizations including… Continue reading