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Mainstreaming the Extremists; Marginalizing the Moderates

Evidence changes, dislikes stay the same. Radicals become moderate; moderates become radical. Israel-bashers know what they are against even if they don’t know why. Perhaps they don’t care why… Continue reading

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What the Sentence “It’s Wrong” Actually Means

I’m not sure what the sentence “It’s wrong” actually means. I can think of dozens of things in the Middle East, or in the world, that can said to be “wrong,” yet what… Continue reading

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Hamas plans to liberate Palestine in its entirety

If we could liberate the Negev now, we would continue [our military activity], but our capabilities dictate that after we got rid of the Israeli presence in Gaza, we must finish off the remnants… Continue reading

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Lebanese Gaza-Bound Ships Maybe Cancelled

The aid flotilla planned to set sail from Lebanon is supported by Syria and Hezbollah, but the Lebanese government is working towards canceling the planned flotillas to Gaza in order to calm down recent tensions in the area… Continue reading

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Aznar Stands Up for Israel: Support the Friends of Israel Initiative

For far too long now it has been unfashionable in Europe to speak up for Israel. In the wake of the recent incident on board a ship full of anti-Israeli activists in the Mediterranean, it is hard to think of a more… Continue reading

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Another Clueless Israeli

“Hamas is not just a terrorist organization. Hamas is an idea, a desperate and fanatical idea that grew out of the desolation and frustration of many Palestinians.” It must be our fault… Continue reading

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Legal Issues and Israel’s Blockade of Gaza and the Gaza Flotilla raid

Since the seizure of the Gaza Flotilla by the IDF, there’s a lot of debate going on about the legal issues of the (naval) blockade of Gaza and the raid on the Freedom Gaza Flotilla. Was the raid on the… Continue reading

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Obama Understands Neither Hamas Nor Israel, Neither the Middle East Nor Islamism

Aside from all this, Obama displays no strategic sense. He should make clear that the United States does not want an Iranian client, a revolutionary jihadists Taliban-like regime on the Mediterranean Sea. It should be the goal of U.S. policy to avoid… Continue reading

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Meet the Foreign Press Head

Do you wonder why foreign press reports about Israel are so skewed? Meet Conny Mus, the Dutch chairman of the Foreign Press Association in Israel… Continue reading

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De Linkse Politieke Partijen en het Israelisch-Palestijns Vraagstuk

Als we de verkiezingsprogramma’s vergelijken van de partijen die meedoen met de Tweede Kamer verkiezingen op 9 juni 2010, dan valt op dat vooral de linkse partijen een desastreus Midden Oosten politiek volgen vanwege hun eenzijdige benadering van het Israëlisch-Palestijns vraagstuk… Continue reading

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The Gaza Flotilla is a Step Towards the Destruction of Israel

Unlike pirate operations off the coast of Somalia, carried out by one terrorist group, the daily claimed that the “Zionist regime” took over the flotilla in an act of government-sponsored piracy. That crime supports the Palestinian cause and brings the “Zionist regime” one step closer to its destruction… Continue reading

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Turkey and Israel on the Brink of War or New “Ship Intifada”?

Against the US president Barack Obama’s bid to bridge the rift, Turkish generals are drawing up plans to break Israel’s Gaza blockade and avenge 9 deaths, while Israel is bound by its war on terror to… Continue reading

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The Gaza Flotilla Issue: Logic and Truth

The inability of much of the world to comprehend the new form of propaganda as well as terrorism warfare, the nature of revolutionary Islamism, and the nature of a moderate and democratic Israel, among other things… Continue reading

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The Ship Intifada: an Overview

During the night of May 31 IDF forces took control of the aid flotilla to the Gaza Strip. Five ships were taken without exceptional incident. On the sixth ship, the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara, the IDF soldiers met with violent resistance… Continue reading

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Gaza Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die

Following is information from the Arab media about some of the flotilla participants. It should be noted that many of these were from the Muslim Brotherhood across the Muslim world… Continue reading

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The World’s Latest Anti-Israel Lies, Injustice, Bias, Prejudice, Hatred and Hypocrisy

The purpose of this Flotilla was not, of course, to help the Gazans but to get publicity for ending the blockade altogether, strengthening Hamas, and hitting at Israel… Continue reading

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The Gaza Flotilla – Statement by PM Netanyahu

Last night a regrettable incident occurred, during which people were killed and others were injured. IDF soldiers who were compelled to defend their lives were also injured. This incident was the result of an intentional provocation… Continue reading

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The Gaza Flotilla and the Legal Maritime Blockade of Gaza

Maritime blockades are a legitimate and recognized measure under international law that may be implemented as part of an armed conflict at sea. A blockade may be imposed at sea, including in international waters, so long as it does not… Continue reading

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The Alexandria Protocol

In 1942, the British War Cabinet needed the support of the colonies to survive against Nazi Germany. The British organized a dialogue with representatives of Arab countries whose outcome was the Alexandria Protocol… Continue reading

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The movement, which espoused a Palestinian nationalist ideology in which Palestine would be liberated by the actions of Palestinians, was founded in 1958 or 1959 by members of the Palestinian… Continue reading

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Lifting US Ban on Russia’s S-300s for Iran Blows Hole in Israel’s Security

Israel’s security suffered a major setback on the eve of its homeland war-safety exercise from three Obama administration concessions that were granted to buy Moscow’s backing for UN Security Council sanctions against Iran. One was the deletion of an embargo on… Continue reading

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Hadrian’s Curse – The Invention Of Palestine

Almost 2,000 years ago, the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called “Palestine” after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world’s stage more… Continue reading

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Call The PA Bluff

The Moslems don’t want a state, in truth, the invention of Palestinian identity was a tactical move and they admit that it is part of the Arab plan for destroying Israel in stages… Continue reading

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De Mythe van de “Gematigde” Islam

Gedurende een toespraak van David Horowitz tijdens de “Israel Apartheid Week” aan de Universiteit van Californië, San Diego, probeert een moslima door middel van het stellen van een vraag het betoogde verband tussen islamitische terroristische groeperingen… Continue reading

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Syria and Hizballah are Building a Massive Wall in Lebanon

It’s no secret that the Syrian government is highly involved in supporting terrorist groups such as the Hizballah in Lebanon. The latest plan of the Hizballah/Syrian threat to Israel is a massive fortified wall designed as an obstacle against any Israeli tank forces heading… Continue reading