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Hamas Promises to Continue Terrorism until Israel Is Destroyed

Source: News from the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center [1].

Khaled Mashaal

Khaled Mashaal, head of the Hamas political bureau, gave a speech at a Hamas rally in Damascus marking the anniversary of Operation Cast Lead. He promised that “the Zionist entity will be destroyed” and that the “resistance” (i.e., terrorism) would continue:

Member of Hamas Political Bureau Confirms Receipt of Financial Aid from Iran

Khalil al-Hayeh, a member of the Hamas political bureau, visits Iran (Fars News Agency, Iran, January 17, 2010)

Khalil al-Hayeh, a member of the Hamas political bureau, said during a visit to Iran that the country gave Hamas financial, moral and political support.2 He also claimed that the support was unconditional, and said that Hamas “welcomes and is proud of all types of Islamic and Arabic strategic ties which support the Palestinian people and its uprising” (Asr Iran, January 20, 2010).


1. A pro-Hamas member of the British Parliament who led the Lifeline convoy to the Gaza Strip, met with Ismail Haniya and was declared persona non grata by Egypt.

2. Iran give Hamas several hundred million dollars a year. For further information see the January 12, 2009 bulletin, “Iranian Support for Hamas” at Iran-e004.pdf.


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