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Jordan Is Palestinian

Thus far the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has weathered the storm that has swept across the Middle East… Continue reading

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Revolution in Tunisia, Reform in Jordan Unleashes Anti-Jewish Forces

Recently, when I spoke on developments in Egypt, a serious and respected Middle East expert claimed that there was no sign of anti-American or anti-Israel… Continue reading

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Israel’s Function In The Modern World

Only once throughout the eighteen years of the Armistice Agreement did any Arab leader challenge the thesis that war alone would bring about the elimination of Israel. There were continual and often acrimonious discussions on the timing of the predestined onslaught on the Jewish state… Continue reading

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The War Before The Six Day War

On May 14, 1967, the territorial limits of the State of Israel were the lines agreed upon in her Armistice Agreements of 1949 with Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. Israel held none of the territories she was to gain as a result of the still undreamed-of war three weeks away… Continue reading

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The movement, which espoused a Palestinian nationalist ideology in which Palestine would be liberated by the actions of Palestinians, was founded in 1958 or 1959 by members of the Palestinian… Continue reading

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Call The PA Bluff

The Moslems don’t want a state, in truth, the invention of Palestinian identity was a tactical move and they admit that it is part of the Arab plan for destroying Israel in stages… Continue reading

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The Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty

The Israel–Jordan Treaty of Peace is a peace treaty signed in 1994. The treaty normalized relations between the two countries and resolved territorial disputes between them. Its signing is also closely linked with the efforts to create peace between Israel and… Continue reading