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Iran’s Conservative Press Blames West for Political Crisis in Lebanon

Iran’s conservative press blamed Western countries for the political crisis in Lebanon, saying they derailed the Syrian-Saudi initiative which attempted to find a solution to… Continue reading

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UN Special Tribunal Submits Indictment in Hariri’s Assassination

Nearly six years after the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, prosecutor Daniel Bellemare has submitted the long-awaited results of an international investigation… Continue reading

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Hizbullah Resignation Only Demonstrate Their Fear

Members of the powerful Hezbollah movement and its allies brought down Lebanon’s unity government Wednesday after resigning from Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s Cabinet. Minister of State… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israël Beducht Op Represailles Na Mysterieuze Aanslag Op Hezbollah Terrorist

Imad Mughniyeh was één van de meest gezochte terroristen ter wereld. De Israëlische Mossad, de CIA, het Franse SGDN en andere inlichtingendiensten waren méér dan 20 jaar op zoek naar de man die een lange lijst van terroristische aanslagen op zijn CV had staan: bomaanslagen, moorden en ontvoeringen… Lees verder

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Turkish PM Erdogan: Hizbullah Not Involved In Rafik Hariri Assassination

The Lebanese daily Al-Safir reported on Monday that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not believe Hizbullah is connected to the 2005 Rafik Hariri assassination. Rafik Hariri was then Lebanese prime minister and is the father of the current Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri… Continue reading

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Lebanon In the Grip Of the Iran-Syria Bloc

There is a struggle for power in Lebanon of the greatest importance. Yet it is a battle that the West, for all practical purposes, has already ceded the country to the Iran-Syria bloc. Lebanon has a unique political system. It is what might be called a communal democracy… Continue reading

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Syria Helps Hizbullah Build Anti-Israel Army in North Lebanon

Syria has helped Hizbullah entrench itself in northern Lebanon with 40,000 long-range missiles and 10,000 militia men, increasing its war capability against Israel, the French daily Le Figaro reported Tuesday… Continue reading

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De Verkrachting van Libanon

Libanon, – ooit het “Zwitserland van het Oosten”, waarbij Beiroet in één adem werd genoemd als “het Parijs van het Midden Oosten” – een sinds 1943 democratisch vormgegeven land met een goed ontwikkelde markteconomie, zou uiteindelijk verkracht worden door destructieve machten en daar tot op heden niet meer van herstellen… Continue reading