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An Islamist Nazi Collaborator is Transformed into a Moderate

Suppose you read in the Washington Post about a democratic politician who was a refugee from persecution by a dictatorship. Would you be surprised to learn that he was in fact a vicious antisemite… Continue reading

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Will the Arab Uprisings Result in the Emergence of a Sunni Bloc Dominated by Turkey?

Against the background of the fall of the autocratic regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, the massive demonstrations in Yemen, Syria and Bahrain… Continue reading

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Bin Laden’s Posthumous Fans

As so often happens, a peripheral issue has taken over the Western debate regarding the killing of Usama bin Laden… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Proves It Is Radical and Aggressive

In his New York Times op-ed back in February, Muslim Brotherhood agent — disguised as sophisticated academic — Tariq Ramadan wrote… Continue reading

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The NYT Promotes Muslim Brotherhood Lies, Covering Up for Nazi Collaborators

Recently, Tariq Ramadan, considered by the Western intelligentsia to be the very epitome of enlightened Islamism, wrote a New York Times op-ed in which… Continue reading

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With Ludicrous Lies the Muslim Brotherhood Shows Its Contempt for the West

I’m fascinated by the op-ed in the New York Times by Tariq Ramadan. It is so amazingly false and puts forward such ludicrous claims that the whole thing seems to shout out… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Switzerland and Counter-Terrorism

A released WikiLeaks cable reveals that Switzerland believes Islamist groups could use the country as a transit point, logistics center, or haven for terrorist finances… Continue reading

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How Islamists Came to Dominate European Islam

Deploying an Islamist may have seemed like a original and clever idea but it was neither. Western governments have been allying without success with Islamists for decades. Indeed, they have been… Continue reading

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An Interview with Vijay Kumar

This interview is a must read. While this interview focuses more on the political situation in the United States, it also gives a realistic picture of Islam. Kumar Vijay calls it the literal Islam. Some time ago, I indicated… Continue reading

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De As van de Jihad

Belangrijke mannen worden geboren in tijden van wanhoop, wanneer de wereld gevuld is met onwetendheid en het kwaad regeert. Dit is inderdaad een tijd van wanhoop voor de mensheid. De Islam is in opkomst, Islamitisch terrorisme verwoest ontelbare levens in de hele wereld en het bedreigt onze vrijheid… Continue reading

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Islamism 2.0

To borrow a computer term, if Ayatollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden, and Nidal Hasan represent Islamism 1.0, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (the prime minister of Turkey), Tariq Ramadan (a Swiss intellectual), andKeith Ellison (a U.S. congressman) represent Islamism 2.0. The former kill more people but the latter pose a greater threat to Western civilization… Continue reading