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Why Did U.S. Government Honor Mosque Associated With The Number-One Anti-American Terrorist?

Almost a decade after the September 11 attacks, the U.S. government seem unable to tell the differences between moderate and radical Muslims, much less understand that it should support the former against the latter group. So when the U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom visits a mosque… Continue reading

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Iran: Democrats’ Defeat In the U.S. Midterm Elections Reflects Failure of U.S. Policy

This week, Iranian top officials and media extensively reported on the Democratic Party’s defeat in the U.S. midterm elections, taking it as a reflection of President Obama’s weakness and the failure of his [Middle East] policy… Continue reading

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Obama’s Ineptness On Middle East Issues Explained

Remember, this isn’t the first time in the last month that Obama has set himself up for humiliation on the issue. He also made his big UN speech which presented the Israel-Palestinian conflict as the world’s most important issue and made the potentially embarrassing prediction that he would resolve the conflict within… Continue reading

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No Strategic Rationality in Obama’s Gaza Policy

In other words, the United States has no problem with Hamas ruling Gaza as long as weapons are kept out. There is absolutely no strategic concept in the… Continue reading

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EU Foreign Ministers Make Partial Sense on Gaza and Iran

If you want to know what policy is going to be, watch the governments, not the media. While the results of the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg were far from perfect, they also show the difference between decision-makers and opinion-makers… Continue reading

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A Matter Of Taste

The elections to the UN Human Rights Council brought onto that body such human rights’ violators as Libya, Angola, Malaysia, and Uganda. Indeed, 80 percent of UN members, thought the Qadhafi dictatorship… Continue reading

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“Pakistan Knows Where Osama Bin Laden Is”

Every week or so, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reminds us that the wrong Democrat was elected president in 2008. In these cases, she gets… Continue reading