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Agreement between Emir Faisal Husseini and Dr. Weizmann

His Royal Highness the Emir FEISAL, representing and acting on behalf of the Arab Kingdom of Hedjaz, and Dr. CHAIM WIEZMANN, representing and acting on behalf of the Zionist Organization… Continue reading

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The Arabs in the Holy Land – Natives or Immigrants?

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were practically no Muslim Arabs in the Holy Land. By contrast, the Jews, despite 2000 years of persecution and forced conversions by various conquerors, have throughout most of history been the majority population there. In Jerusalem Jews were always the largest demographic group, except for periods when conquerors specifically threw them out and prevented them from returning… Continue reading

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How Nazi Propaganda influenced Radical and Political Islam

Between 1939 and 1945, shortwave radio transmitters near Berlin broadcast Nazi propaganda in many languages around the world, including Arabic throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and Persian programs in Iran. English-language transcripts of the Arabic broadcasts shed light on a particularly dark chapter in the globalization of pernicious ideas… Continue reading

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UN Security Council Resolution 242

Resolution 242 is the cornerstone for what it calls “a just and lasting peace.” It calls for a negotiated solution based on “secure and recognized boundaries” – recognizing the flaws in Israel’s previous temporary borders – the 1948 Armistice lines or the “Green Line” – by not calling upon Israel to withdraw from ‘all occupied territories,’ but rather “from territories occupied.”… Continue reading

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Muslim Arab Antisemitism today

Antisemitism in Arab societies and in Iran is the most potent and menacing form of hostility to Jews that exists anywhere in the contemporary world. It has become thoroughly embedded in recent decades (especially since 2000) in the body politic of Islam… Continue reading

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Big Lies: Demolishing the Myths of the Propaganda War against Israel (part 3)

Part 3 of a comprehensive study about the lies and myths that fuels the propaganda against Israel… Continue reading